About us


Themis was born from the vision of a group of entrepreneurs operating in the “Green Economy” segment, endowed with many years of experience in the different sectors.

Themis focuses on the industrial applications of its innovative technologies subject to patent protection at national and international level.

Themis also holds the role of EPC for environmental sustainability projects. As part of the green transition, Themis acts as an active part by supporting and guiding companies in the transition from obsolete linear production systems to modern and efficient production systems of Circular Economy.

The Company has seen the entry into the share capital of major investment funds, family offices and major shareholders in the world of business and finance. The solid present and future financial support will allow Themis to constantly increase its organizational structure and to be able to implement new ambitious R&D programs with the aim of permanently occupying a role of primary importance among the companies with the highest innovative vocation in the Italian industrial sector and abroad.


Themis is a solid and well-established Italian company, specialized in the development and construction of innovative process machines and systems dedicated to the reduction and enhancement of industrial production waste products in the full spirit of the principles of sustainability and Circular Economy.

It offers long-term, economically efficient and technologically advanced technological solutions, which allow you to comply with legal obligations and at the same time to obtain the reduction of waste materials and the enhancement of the same, where possible. We design and build customized solutions for the recovery of substances from industrial wastewater and by-products, so that they can be valorised and reused.

In addition to the undisputed and consolidated engineering skills and the range of excellent products developed and manufactured in our factories, we combine the drive towards the protection of resources, energy saving, waste reduction and recycling with the consequent reduction of emissions. Attention to the environment has guided Themis in the development of “custom-made” solutions to meet the numerous types of requests.

Themis actively collaborates with leading universities and national and international research centers for the development and application of its technologies; It also promotes the culture of sustainability and Circular Economy in the academic field with mentoring activities, is a supporter of “green” initiatives in the social field aimed at raising awareness of young people, drivers of our future.


During our professional career we have developed a conviction that today is the basis of all our business and determines the direction of our every choice. This conviction concerns the relationship between man, environment and productive activities. It now appears inevitable that the current production system structured in linear mode is no longer sustainable and that the transition to a circular economy model will become the fundamental element for the economic development of the future.

The indiscriminate use of resources has shown all its limits, and the entire industrial activity has had to face increasingly serious environmental problems. The 17 “Sustainable Developments Goals” indicated by the United Nations have become a precise objective at a global level and no company can today exempt itself from their concrete application.

In Themis we believe that it is possible to combine productivity and respect for the environment, economic development and sustainability: we carry out an excellent development and applied research activity, in the company “Innovation Center” and alongside the best national and international universities and research centers, we cultivate talents and we collaborate with professionals and technicians of undisputed professionalism.

Sustainable profit can only be achieved by those companies that will be truly able to implement Customer Social Responsibility policies, showing that they know how to put the future of the planet and their community of reference in the foreground. The attention paid to the concept of sustainability by public opinion, and in general by all the stakeholders of each company, now requires a rethinking of one’s role and impact on the socio-economic fabric. We need brave and cutting-edge companies.

We are there: Themis has obtained recognition in different areas at national and international level and is active in the diffusion of a “green” culture.

We are an active part of the change, we develop and apply systems and solutions that allow us to satisfy the needs of the present without compromising the possibility of future generations to satisfy theirs, ready to walk with our partners and customers a new exciting path towards a more sustainable world

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