In recent days, several newspapers have dealt with the possible link between air pollution and the Sar-CoV-2 virus, with particular reference to the risk that pm10 may act as a carrier favoring its spread.
The transmission “Report” on RaiTre (—We-in-ca-9b8ee8fb-0021-4fdb-904C-f85206f30de7.html?Wt_mc=2.www.wzp.raiplay) has dedicated a special report on this theme, as well as the magazine “Panorama” (
The debate is still ongoing, and scientific evidence is still on ascertain, however, also the Istituto Superiore di Sanità intervened with the publication of the “ISS COVID-19 Report • n. 9/2020 “providing important indications relating to the link between sewage sludge and Covid-19 (
In any case, it is clear that better management of the sludge generated by animal manure and subsequently used in agriculture is absolutely necessary.
For this reason, the technological innovation developed by Themis with its own European patent “Themis WRT” can prove to be the ideal solution for the drastic reduction of sludge volumes and, consequently, for the drastic reduction of pollution deriving from their excessive use in agriculture.
The Themis WRT machine is in fact capable of operating with limited operating costs and a very low environmental impact, guaranteeing exceptional performance in terms of treatment, ie transforming 70/90% of the original organic waste into pure distilled water and the remaining 30 / 10% in a reusable solid by-product.
It is a concrete and real Circular Economy solution, where waste is no longer a problem, but is enhanced through a totally clean process: zero emissions into the atmosphere, minimum energy consumption, recycling of water and treated solid waste.
The “Themis WRT” machine is in fact capable of operating with limited operating costs and a very low environmental impact, guaranteeing exceptional performance in terms of treatment, ie transforming 70/90% of the original organic waste into pure distilled water and the remaining 30 / 10% in a reusable solid by-product.
It is a concrete and real Circular Economy solution, where waste is no longer a problem, but is enhanced through a totally clean process: zero emissions into the atmosphere, minimum energy consumption, recycling of water and treated solid waste.
The “Themis WRT” machinery allows to obtain such significant economic savings to the point of guaranteeing a return on investment in a very short time, with an average payback of a couple of years.
Thanks to the fully automated functions and the possibility of remote management, it can also enjoy the “Industry 4.0” tax benefits.
The “Themis WRT” technology represents a unique solution of its kind, which differs completely from any solution currently available on the market: each project has a tailor-madedesign on the basis of specific and particular needs of each individual customer.
At our headquarters in Legnano (Milan – Italy) we have a pilot plant in operation with which we carry out testing sessions in order to validate the results of each of our projects. In this way we can validate the performances of the machinery which will then be developed on an industrial scale.