Circular economy in the supply chain

In its activity, the company has adopted the circular economy approach to reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability. In the search and selection of suppliers, their commitment to circular economy is evaluated and rewarded. In particular, we try to collaborate with suppliers who are engaged in the recovery and regeneration of materials, minimizing waste and […]

The company publishes its commitment to the territory and the community

In the definition of sustainability of a company, several parameters are evaluated. Even those related to people, understood as employees and collectivity. The “goodness” of “social” practices (ESG), therefore, also exudes from the corporate commitment to human rights. The company publishes its human rights management policy on its website. Discover the company’s other ESG commitments.

Focus on training and projects

A company that values training is virtuous. A company that trains not only its staff, but also third parties (from students to the community), is really doing an excellent “sustainable” job! Especially if it’s about the topic. Projects were carried out in schools or in the community on sustainability issues. Discover the company’s other ESG […]

The quality of the company is “registered” ISO 9001

The company certifies its quality management system, having obtained ISO 9001 certification. This is the most well-known standard used for quality management systems around the world, aimed at the continuous and constant improvement of the company, with the aim of optimizing the organizational structure. It is not a compulsory certification, but to require it – […]

The company has a Privacy policy

In the wake of legislation that requires a great deal of effort to protect sensitive data, many companies have realized that they have to regulate the issue of both employee privacy and customer data. The company has a privacy and data security policy. Discover the company’s other ESG commitments.

“Plus” protection of personal data and privacy

The company has implemented voluntary actions/ initiatives aimed at protecting individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and privacy, in addition to regulatory requests (e.g. GDPR). In this way the company has gone beyond the “normal protection” provided, providing an additional guarantee to its customers. Discover the company’s other ESG commitments.

Local training initiatives and projects

The company is committed to providing added value to the community. The company implements initiatives and/or training/education projects dedicated to the community on business issues (e.g. webinars, events, etc.). These initiatives aim to provide knowledge and skills useful for the growth and development of entrepreneurs, professionals and students. Thanks to these initiatives, the company promotes […]

Community and sustainability: the company promotes training moments

The theme of sustainability now involves everyone. This is why initiatives involving the population and promoted by companies themselves are becoming increasingly frequent. The company implements initiatives and/or training/education projects dedicated to the community on sustainability issues. (e.g. webinars, events, etc.). Discover the company’s other ESG commitments.

Employee safety and health for sustainable management

Within a process of awareness and sustainable organization, the Company chooses different management approaches. The company applies a system for the management of the safety and health of its employees. In this way you can ensure that you have, in fact, started a proper sustainable management. Discover the company’s other ESG commitments.

Tackling inequality of treatment between men and women

Equality man – woman in the professional field is an objective to which all companies tend. The inclusive element in society is very important, in order to ensure a correct distribution of resources in the organization chart, but also in relation to the correct allocation of pay between the two genders. The average wage difference […]