The population factor in society

Each company pursues its own policy and determines its own recruitment. The age of the employees can also determine their health or, for example, their sustainable approach. Sometimes, however, there is no scientific motivation, but only a good recycling and a wise hiring practice that is based on skills and not on anything else (registry […]

Contracts and recruitment: here is the business framework

Companies tailor hiring to their needs, making regulations in place their own guidelines to identify the best contract types for themselves. The percentage of employees of internships/placements activated in the last year is 17 %. Discover the company’s other ESG commitments.

Occupational accidents: here is the current year’s report

A 100% perfect company would perhaps be a utopian company. However, society can implement various behaviors (“sustainable”, precisely) that make it as virtuous as possible. These include the need to prevent and avoid occupational accidents. Accidents in the current year are less than or equal to 3. Discover the company’s other ESG commitments.

Accidents at work: last year’s report

A 100% perfect company would perhaps be a utopian company. However, society can implement various behaviors (“sustainable”, precisely) that make it as virtuous as possible. These include the need to prevent and avoid occupational accidents. Accidents last year were less than or equal to 3. Discover the company’s other ESG commitments.

Occupational accidents: two years ago

A 100% perfect company would perhaps be a utopian company. However, society can implement various behaviors (“sustainable”, precisely) that make it as virtuous as possible. These include the need to prevent and avoid occupational accidents. Accidents two years ago were less than or equal to three. Discover the company’s other ESG commitments.

Accidents at work: company reports lost days

A 100% perfect company would perhaps be a utopian company. However, society can implement various behaviors (“sustainable”, precisely) that make it as virtuous as possible. These include the need to prevent and avoid occupational accidents. Thanks to the company’s initiatives, the risk of accidents has been almost eliminated. The total number of days lost in […]

Occupational accidents: company reports lost days last year

A 100% perfect company would perhaps be a utopian company. However, society can implement various behaviors (“sustainable”, precisely) that make it as virtuous as possible. These include the need to prevent and avoid occupational accidents. The total number of days lost last year for accidents involving temporary incapacity for work was 10 or less. Discover […]

Accidents at work: company reports days lost two years ago

An accident at work results in a double vulnus for the company: firstly, the employee’s illness and, secondly, the need to make up for his lack. The total number of days lost, two years ago, for accidents involving temporary incapacity for work was less than or equal to 10. Discover the company’s other ESG commitments.

Sustainability of the mountain hours for the psycho-physical health of staff

The attention paid by the company to its employees is recorded, among other things, also in the amount of working hours that are imposed on the staff. This is because respect for workers’ rights also consists in protecting employees from conditions of exploitation and involving shifts or schedules that undermine the psycho-physical balance of the […]

Recruitment and new employees for the company

A healthy company is a company that, possibly, grows. Growth means recruitment, according to a linear and fair model in the distribution of work to employees already present. Over the past year, the company, net of retirement, has created 1 new job. Discover the company’s other ESG commitments.