Health and safety at work: training

The company has implemented training courses on health and safety in the workplace in addition to what is required by law. The aim is to make employees and collaborators more and more responsible, thus promoting communication and the proactive exchange of ideas in order to improve working conditions. Discover the company’s other ESG commitments.

Sustainability in the company: training for employees

The company provides training activities with a specific focus on sustainability. The aim is to make employees and internal collaborators more and more responsible, thus promoting communication and the proactive exchange of ideas in order to create a real team that works in synergy to reduce impacts. Discover the company’s other ESG commitments.

Ad hoc policy to ensure gender equality in the company

Gender equality is an important issue for many companies.The company has specific policies on gender equality in the company’s workforce.Thanks to these, it is clear the commitment to ensure that all career opportunities are open to anyone, regardless of gender. This commitment also extends to the prevention of any form of gender discrimination in the […]

Diversity as a strong point in the company

Inclusion has become a central theme in the workplace and more and more companies are looking to create inclusive work environments for all employees. The company has made diversity a fundamental value.The company has policies to integrate foreign and/or disabled people.This means that all employees, regardless of their differences, have the opportunity to develop and […]

Entreprise risk management and management of environmental impacts

The company considers the socio-environmental impacts among the corporate risk factors and has a management system (Enterprise Risk Management).This system allows the company to pursue a virtuous and coherent sustainability policy, which supports ethical choices rather than economic ones. Discover the company’s other ESG commitments.

Sustainability strategies that also look to the long term

In the management of its business, the company is cloaked in a strong professional Ethics. The mission of the company takes into account environmental and social factors and therefore are also considered in the long-term strategy. Sustainability beyond business, but I believe in business. Discover the company’s other ESG commitments.

Environmentally sustainable performance

A virtuous behavior is such only if it is possible to trace and observe it. The company, therefore, is urged and or encouraged to monitor its flow. The company monitors its environmental sustainability performance with specific quantitative indicators. Discover the company’s other ESG commitments.

Environmental management for a sustainable organisation

Within a process of awareness and sustainable organization, the Company chooses different management approaches. The company applies an environmental management system. In this way you can ensure that you have, in fact, started a proper sustainable management.

How much does company consume?

Thanks to a tracking and monitoring system, the company is able to accurately map its electrical consumption. The company has an annual electricity consumption of 83,989 MWh in all its corporate premises. The lower it is, the more likely it will have implemented a wise and constant reduction management.

The company monitors its carbon impact

The company measures the carbon footprint of its products/services. Evaluating your carbon footprint is a very important first step in evaluating your environmental footprint. When professional corporate ethics and regulations meet on the playing field “environment” to develop a climate strategy and safeguard the planet.