The company assesses its environmental impact

A self-respecting sustainable company should evaluate its behavior and influence on the system, using various useful tools. The company complies with the regulatory requirements of additional environmental impact assessment tools, in particular the Carbon Footprint.

The commitment of the company

The company has a strong commitment to sustainability and to reducing its environmental impact. The company reports its consumption. Thanks to this constant control, the company is able to intervene where necessary to reduce its consumption, contributing to the fight against climate change. Sustainable resource management is a priority for the company, which strives every […]

The commitment of the company

The company has a strong commitment to sustainability and to reducing its environmental impact. The company reports its consumption. The purpose of consumption reporting is to assess the performance with respect to specific environmental objectives that the company has set itself to achieve within 5 years.Thanks to this constant control, the company is able to […]

Reduction of energy consumption: ad hoc measures taken by the company

The company takes measures to optimize and/or reduce the environmental footprint of its activities, for example, from an energy perspective (e.g. LED lighting).This enables it not only to reduce energy consumption, but at the same time to reduce CO2 emissions from electricity.

Sustainable corporate locations: third-party energy certifications

Sustainable corporate locations are becoming increasingly necessary. Energy efficiency has become a priority for many companies, not only for saving operating costs, but also to reduce the impact on the environment.The company’s main offices have obtained third-party certifications related to the energy class of buildings.These certifications attest to the building’s energy efficiency and compliance with […]

Discover the company’s fleet of vehicles

The company has a fleet of resources for its activities. Thanks to constant maintenance and overhaul, the vehicles are always ready to face any challenge. The choice of efficient and reliable vehicles allows the company to guarantee a high level of service and to always meet the deadlines. The company is committed to constantly improving […]

Ecology on the move: the company’s fleet of vehicles

The company decided to do its part for the environment and opted for a fleet of vehicles with low environmental impact. The fleet is mixed with electric/hybrid vehicles. Thanks to this choice, the company contributes to reducing air pollution and improving the air quality of the city.

Il futuro dell’agricoltura di precisione

Grazie al Themis Lab abbiamo potuto sviluppare una soluzione innovativa nell’ambito dell’agricoltura di precisione inerente al digestato solido prodotto da matrici di rifiuti zootecnici. Gli obiettivi del progetto affidatoci sono due: disidratazione e granulazione del digestato solido e ottenimento del prodotto essicato utilizzato per azioni specifiche sulle piante e sul suolo come biostimolanti o fertilizzanti […]

Covid-19 and pm10 – One more problem for sludge in agriculture, but Themis WRT technology may be the solution.

In recent days, several newspapers have dealt with the possible link between air pollution and the Sar-CoV-2 virus, with particular reference to the risk that pm10 may act as a carrier favoring its spread. The transmission “Report” on RaiTre (—We-in-ca-9b8ee8fb-0021-4fdb-904C-f85206f30de7.html?Wt_mc=2.www.wzp.raiplay) has dedicated a special report on this theme, as well as the magazine “Panorama” ( The debate is […]


Enterprise risk management and environmental impact management The company considers the socio-environmental impacts among the corporate risk factors and has a management system(Enterprise Risk Management). This system allows the company to pursue a virtuous and coherent sustainability policy, which supports ethical choices rather than economic ones.