Today the Shareholders’ Meeting of Themis S.r.l. deliberated the share capital increase and its transformation into a company for Shares (S.p.A.).
The choice was made with the aim of confirming and strengthening the role of Themis in the Circular Economy sector, orienting itself towards the future with new growth prospects and a particular focus on innovation, applied research and the development of new ones technologies in favor of the environment.
“Our mission – says Michele Romanò, Administrator Delegate of Themis – is to develop and promote technologies innovative, useful for the recovery of resources and substantial reduction of waste and industrial waste. Right now, historical becomes essential to adopt a strategic approach leading to a transition towards a circular economy, based on intelligent, conceptually regenerative growth that starts with an efficient management of resources. The goal of the sustainability is something that, in fact, unites life and the future of all of us “.
In conjunction with the corporate transformation, and in line with the strategic development plan, Themis also announces the signing of important Joint-Venture agreements with leading companies operating in the Asian and Northern European markets and consolidation relationships with leading research institutes and national technological partners.
The increasing attention to a technological and innovative approach, to the needs of the market and the environment will guarantee a Themis and its investors, not only an interesting financial performance, but an investment in sustainable technologies in favor of a better world.